Are you unhappy that summer is ending? Is it because when September rolls in, it usually means getting back to business? Are you ready to? Shine Walk will give you many reasons to cheer up! Our catalog of services keeps growing and growing, and that can only benefit you.
Shine Walk is pressure washing / steam cleaning parking structures, commercial areas, and apartment/condo complexes. Your properties will definitely glow their value, being the envy of residential and commercial neighbors. Remember that we are all over Southern California; Los Angeles, Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Pacific Palisades, just to name a few cities. So you have every reason to call.
Did we mention we are also EPA approved? Which means that we are accepted and endorsed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and equipped to reclaim hazardous material. We take pride in our methods and procedures.
Call Shine Walk for your free quote today, you’ll be happy you did!
Shine Walk, cleaning your corner of the world!