(855)-759-7778 info@shinewalk.com

With these hot days, it’s almost impossible to consider the prospect of rain. This summer’s intrusion on Fall has distracted many from preparing their home for the potentially wet weather at the end of the year. So, having a clean gutter should be at the top of the list in preparing for the rain, to protect your home’s foundation of course!

Rain is the culprit for most outdoor related damages to the home. Gutters channel water away from your home, diminishing leaks, wood weathering, and any decay caused by water. Sounds like a great idea to call Shine walk?

For the month of October, Shine Walk is offering a high pressure washing of gutters special, and when you mention this post and contract our services for your gutter flushing, the outdoor windows near your gutter will also be pressure washed for free!

So call to receive your free quote!

Shine Walk always happy cleaning your corner of the world!